Alex Nwokolo

Nwokolo describes himself as a multimedia artist who uses materials to cut and paste culture of international calligraphy. His subject matter varies from people to figures subject to near abstract forms and his compositions defy traditional perspective while colour helps to give them power and beauty of feeling. As a result, Nwokolo is widely known for his paintings of iconic figures, portraits and landscapes, as well as his mixed media pieces. As one of the front-liners of the West African Art Scene, he has travelled and exhibited widely around the globe - featuring in nine solo exhibitions and over 58 group exhibitions in Nigeria and internationally. His pieces are cherished by international collectors and are found in many individual and corporate art collections.  


National Diploma in General Arts, Federal Polytechnic Auchi, Nigeria 1988

Higher National Diploma in Painting, University of Benin, Nigeria 1991

Master of Fine Arts Degree, University of Benin, Nigeria 2000